< News | 26.04.2019

All in a week’s work

All in a week’s work

Pimlico plumber Stephen Fry (not that one) has revealed he earns £210,000 a year without working weekends! What’s his trick?

The self-employed 34-year-old works 8am-6pm weekdays and is also on call overnight on Mondays and Tuesdays too, meaning he could potentially rack up 48 hours in the first two days of the week.

“It can drain you,” Stephen says, not intending any pun. “I am one of Pimlico’s best-paid plumbers, but also one of the most tired.”

Earning 50 per cent more than the prime minister, Stephen joined Pimlico Plumbers, a company owned by entrepreneur Charlie Mullins, in 2014.

“Every day is fun,” he says.  “You can go to a place where a customer has water gushing through the ceilings, so it’s a nice feeling when you stop the water and make them happy.”


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