
University challenge


Colleges and university buildings have a range of heating, plumbing and servicing requirements which installers can help with. The trick is to get in touch with the right people at the right time

New Horizons

New Horizons

With a shaky economy and uncertainty about the future, many installers will be looking to move into new areas as they seek to grow The good news is there are plenty of options

Waste not, want not

Waste not, want not

We all need to do more to help reduce waste and protect the environment. Installers can demonstrate their green credentials by ensuring they treat waste products in a responsible manner

Q&E Shrink-fit plastic plumbing system

Q&E Shrink-fit plastic plumbing system

Over the last few years there has been wide spread condemnation of “single use” plastics, which are discarded irresponsibly and thus cause damage to the environment and ecosystem.

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